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Function: composeContext

composeContext(params): string

Composes a context string by replacing placeholders in a template with corresponding values from the state.

This function takes a template string with placeholders in the format {{placeholder}} and a state object. It replaces each placeholder with the value from the state object that matches the placeholder's name. If a matching key is not found in the state object for a given placeholder, the placeholder is replaced with an empty string.


paramsObjectThe parameters for composing the context.
params.stateStateThe state object containing values to replace the placeholders in the template.
params.templatestringThe template string containing placeholders to be replaced with state values.



The composed context string with placeholders replaced by corresponding state values.


// Given a state object and a template
const state = { userName: "Alice", userAge: 30 };
const template = "Hello, {{userName}}! You are {{userAge}} years old.";

// Composing the context will result in:
// "Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old."
const context = composeContext({ state, template });